
Privacy policy


What data do we collect about you?

2.1.Data provided through direct interactions

Registration and other account information

We may collect the following information about you when you register to use our Services:

• If you registered using your Google account: your name and nickname

 your email address;

• If you register using your Facebook account: We collect your name and surname as it appears on your Facebook account and Facebook identifiers. If you have provided permission to Facebook through the in-app privacy option (which appears before registering with our Platform), we may collect your gender, age, or email ID depending on your permission;

• If you registered using your cell phone number.

Depending on the choices you make while logging into our services or during the process of subscribing to our services, you may choose to give the following additional personal data:

• your name

• Your email address


• Your cell phone.

• Your credit card details in case you wish to purchase our paid services as specified in our usage policy.

Communicate through the chat feature on our platform

When you use our chat feature to communicate with other users, we collect information that you choose to provide to other users through this feature.


2.2.Data we collect automatically when you use our Services

We automatically collect the following information about you, when you interact with our Platform or when you use our Services:


Device information

• We collect device-specific information such as operating system version and unique identifiers. For example, the name of the cellular network you're using, we associate device identifiers with your Teach Zone account.


Presence location information

• Depending on your device's permissions, we automatically collect and process information about your physical location if you post material to our Platform. We use various technologies to determine location, including IP address, GPS, Wi-Fi, access points, and cell towers. Your location data allows you to see user materials near you and helps you spread the materials within your location.

Customer and data registration

• Technical details, including your device's Internet Protocol (IP) address, time zone, and operating system. We will also store your login information, (date of registration, date of last password change, and date of last successful login), type, and version of your browser.

Online activity data

• We collect information about your activity on our Platform, including the sites from which you accessed our Platform, the date and time tag of each visit, the searches you have made, the programs or ad banners you have clicked on, the length of your visit and the order in which you visit content on our Platform.


• Cookies and similar technologies


We use cookies to manage our user sessions, store your language preferences, and deliver you relevant advertisements. "Cookies" are small text files that are transmitted by a web server to your device's main data storage device or device. Cookies may be used to collect the date and time of your visit, your browsing history, your preferences, and your username. You can set your browser to refuse all or some cookies or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of our Services/Platform may be inaccessible or our Service may not function properly. For more information about the cookies we use, please see our Policy on Cookies and Similar Technologies, the terms of which are combined which form part of this Privacy Policy and serve as a reference.


2.3.Third Party Data or Publicly Available Sources

We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources. If you would like more information on this matter, please contact us using the relevant contact details.


3. Do we collect data from children?

Our Services are not intended for children under 18, and we do not collect data from anyone under 18. If we become aware that a person under the age of 18 has provided personal data, we will delete it immediately.

If you are located in Egypt and under the age of 18, we are not permitted to contract with you directly. If you are located in Egypt and under the age of 18, when you agree to this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge and agree that your guardian has read and agreed to its terms on your behalf. If we ask for your consent to process your personal data for a specific purpose by this Privacy Policy, your guardian is required to give consent on your behalf.


4. Why do we process your personal information?

We use your personal data only when permitted by law. We will often use your personal data in the following cases:


• When we need to perform the contract and we are about to perform it or we have done so with you.

• When it is necessary to improve our services based on our legitimate interests and to provide you with a reliable and secured platform.

• When we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

In some cases, we may also process your personal data based on your consent. If we do this, we will inform you of the purpose and category of personal data to be processed at the time we seek your consent.


Below we have set out a description of how we use your personal data.

4.1. To provide access and delivery of services through our platform

• If you log in using your cell phone number or email ID, we use your first and last name, cell phone number, and/or email address to identify you as a user and provide access to our Platform.

• If you log in using your Facebook account, we use your name and last name from your Facebook profile and Facebook email address to identify you as a user and provide access to our Platform.

The above login information data is also used by us to provide our services to you by our terms of use.

We use your email address and cell phone number (via SMS) to make suggestions and recommendations to you about our services or third-party services that may be of interest to you. We process the above information for the proper performance of our contract with you and based on our legitimate interest in carrying out marketing activities to offer you any products or services that may be of interest to you.

4.2. To improve your experience on the platform

We use the data of your visits to the Internet to:

• To provide you relevant content such as giving you more relevant search results when you use our Services;

• To determine how much time you spend on our Platform and in what way you move through our Platform to understand your interests and to improve our Services based on this data. For example, we may provide you with suggestions about content that you can visit based on the content you have clicked on, to monitor and report on the effectiveness of campaign transmission to our business partners, and to analyze internal activities.

We use your location data for the following purposes:

• Collect anonymous and aggregate information about the characteristics and behavior of Teach Zone users including for business analysis, segmentation, and development of anonymous profiles to improve the performance of our Services and to personalize the content we address to you. For example, with the help of location data, we display listings of advertisements located near you to improve the buying experience and to measure and monitor your interaction with third-party advertisements that we place on our Platform.


With the help of your log-in information which includes your email ID and phone number, we identify the different devices (such as desktop, mobile, and tablets) that you use to access our Platform. This allows us to link your activity on our Platform across devices and helps us provide a seamless experience for you no matter what device you're using.

We process the above information based on our legitimate interests to improve your experience on our Platform and to properly perform our contract with you.


3 To offer you a trusted and reliable platform.

1. We use your cell phone number, registry login data, and unique device identifiers to administer and maintain our Platform (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, fraud prevention, system maintenance, support, reporting, and data hosting).

2. We analyze your communications through the chat feature to prevent fraud and to enhance safety by blocking unwanted or offensive messages that may be sent to you by any other user.

We also process the above information for the appropriate performance of our contract with you, and to improve our services based on our legitimate interests to prevent fraud.


5. How do we let you know about changes to our privacy policy?

We may from time to time modify this Privacy Policy, post the modifications on this page, and notify you by e-mail or through our Platform. If you or your guardian (as the case may be) does not agree to the modifications, you can close your account by going to the account combination and choosing to select delete account.


6. Your rights

You have the following legal rights regarding your personal data based on how we interact with you:

• The right to request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This allows you to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold about you and to verify that we are lawfully processing it.

• The right to request correction of any data we hold about you. This enables you to obtain incomplete, inaccurate, outdated, or misleading data that we have about you or the data being processed is incompatible with the processing of the stated purpose, or the data being processed is prohibited, corrected, updated, or deleted, and that we may need to verify of the accuracy of the new data you provide to us.

• The right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, and such objection must be made for legitimate reasons as this does not affect the legality of any processing we have already carried out based on the consent previously provided or compliance with applicable law.

Usually, there is no fee to pay: you will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee for the cost of providing a copy of the data or if your request is discreet, repetitive, or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

Response time limit: We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. From time to time, it may take more than a month if your request is particularly complex or if you have placed multiple requests. In this case, we will notify you and provide you with updated information.


7. Communication and Marketing

We will contact you by email, SMS or through an app notification in connection with our Services/Platform to confirm your registration, to notify you if your listing has become active/expired, and for other transaction messages related to our Services. Since we must provide you with these transactional messages, you may not be able to opt out of such messages.

However, you can ask us to stop sending you marketing communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email or SMS sent to you or by contacting us via the Help Center

You may receive marketing communications from us if you have:

• you requested this information from us;

• you use our Platform or Services;

• you provided us with your details when you entered the contest;

• I signed up for a promotion.


8. Who do we share your data with?

We may have to share your personal data with the parties set out below for the purposes specified in Section 4 above.

Service Providers: We use third-party service providers to help us provide a certain aspect of our Services, for example, cloud storage facilities such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, or payment service providers such as Checkout. Service Providers may be located inside or outside Egypt.

We monitor our service providers and require them to respect the security of your personal data and to process it by the law. We do not allow them to use your personal data for their own purposes and only allow them to process your personal data for specific purposes and by our instructions.

Providers, data analysis, and marketing: To improve our services, we will sometimes share your non-identifiable information with analytics providers that help us analyze how people use our Platform/Service. We share your information with them in a non-identifiable form to monitor and report on the effectiveness of campaign delivery to our business partners and for internal business analysis. For more details about analytics providers, please refer to our Policy on Cookies and Similar Technologies. We may share your contact information in an identifiable form with third-party service providers to facilitate our marketing communications to you. Our third-party service providers must handle your information on our behalf, for us, and by our instructions. They will not have independent rights in respect of it. They will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as their data processing obligations by applicable data protection laws and/or a contractual obligation.

Law Enforcement, Regulatory, and Other Authorities: We may disclose your Personal Data to law enforcement, regulatory, governmental, or public authorities, and other relevant third parties to comply with any legal or regulatory requirements.

We may choose to sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire or merge with other businesses. If there is a change in our business, the new owners may use your personal data in the same manner as described in this Privacy Policy.


Publicly Available Information: When you post an item for sale using our Services, you can choose to make certain personal information visible to app users Terms of Use




Service description and content policy


We are the next generation of free online classifieds. We are an online marketplace platform that allows our users who comply with these Terms to offer, sell, and buy products and services on the Website. If you can make payments and other transactions through the Website using third-party vendors, Teach Zone is not in any way involved in such transactions. As a result, and as discussed in more detail in these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that Teach Zone is not a party to such transactions and that the Application has no control over any element of such transactions, and shall have no liability to any party in connection with such transactions. You use the Service and the Website at your own risk.


       2. You understand that the Application does not control and is not responsible for advertisements, directory information, listings/commercial information, messages between users including but not limited to emails sent outside the scope of the Application or other means of electronic communication whether through Website or another third party website (defined below), submissions, comments, user postings, files, images, graphics, video, sounds, listings of works/information, directory information or any other material available via the Website and the Service ("Content"). Also, when you use the Website and the Service, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading, objectionable, or objectionable. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for and must evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any Content. You may not rely on the said content, and that under no circumstances will Teach Zone be liable in any way for the content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of browsing, using, or reading any blog content, email or other It is available via the service.

You acknowledge and agree that the Application allows such goods and services to be displayed and provided on the Website in compliance with the terms outlined in this document. , in our sole and absolute discretion, to refuse, delete, or move any Content that is made available via the Service for violating these Terms


       3. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CONTENT POSTING, SUBMITTING THROUGH OR LINK TO THE SERVICE, AND THE RESULTS OF POSTING, TRANSMITTED, LINKS, OR PUBLISHING. More specifically, you are solely responsible for all Content that you upload, email, or otherwise make available through the Service. In connection with such Content placed, transmitted, or linked to the Service by you, you affirm, represent, warrant, and guarantee that: i) you have developed the Contents such as description and/or images by the Instructions and instructions for placing the advertisement provided by the application and then all copyrights to the application, if you consider that you own any copyright that you assign, any such intellectual property rights belong to us


4. Featured Ads

The Application may offer a service known as “Featured Ads” whereby Users may pay a non-refundable fee to have their advertisements posted at specific locations on the Website and thus potentially increased Ad viewing. You may be required to submit certain information through a third-party service provider to purchase a Featured Ad, including without limitation, a third-party payment service that may be subject to their own terms of use and other policies. We make no representation or warranty as to the integrity or security of information transmitted to any third-party service provider. Your link to any third-party service is entirely at your own risk, and we disclaim any liability in connection therewith.

Featured ads are subject to the terms listed below, as well as additional terms of service.


You agree not to place, host, display, upload, change, publish, transmit, update or share any information on the Site or make the Content available in the following cases:

• Violate any law or legal rules;

• Are copyrighted and patent protected by trade secrets or trademarks, including privacy and publicity rights, or are subject to other intellectual property or proprietary rights of a third party, including privacy and publicity rights unless you are the owner of those rights or have been granted obtain permission or license from the rightful owner to post the material and to grant Teach Zone all license rights granted herein;

• infringe any of the foregoing intellectual property rights of any party or content that you do not have the right to display under any law, legal rules, contractual or fiduciary relationship(s);

Harmful, abusive, unlawful, threatening, harassing, blasphemous, libelous, scandalous, pornographic, child molestation, libelous, intrusive, invasive of another's privacy or other rights, hateful, racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating to or encouraging money laundering, illegal gambling, unlawful damages, or otherwise harming minors in any way or otherwise unlawful in any way;

• Situations that harass, degrade, intimidate, or incite hatred toward any individual or group of individuals based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, age, or disability;

• Situations that violate any equal (local) employment laws, including but not limited to those prohibiting authorization, cases that prohibit the mention of any job advertisement, preference, or condition based on race, color, religion, sex, or origin Nationality, age or disability of the applicant.

• cases involving personal or identifying information about another person without that person's express consent;

• cases that impersonate any person or entity including, but not limited to, a Teach zone employee or claim fraud or otherwise misrepresent an affiliation with a person or entity;


• deceive or mislead the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicate any information that is offensive or threatening in nature;

• Information that is false, deceptive, misleading, deceptive, evasive, or constitutes a display of fraud.

Cases that constitute or contain “Network Marketing”, “Multi-Level Marketing”, “Ponzi Chain and Hierarchical Schemes”, “Affiliate Marketing”, “Referral Code Link”, “Spam”, “Spam”, “ Chain letters or unsolicited advertisements of a commercial nature;

Additionally, you agree not to:

1. contacting any person who has requested not to be contacted, or making unsolicited contact with any person for any commercial purpose, in particular, contacting any user to post advertisement on a third-party website or placing an advertisement on such user's behalf; 'stalk' or harass any person;

2. make any defamatory or defamatory comments or posts to or against any person;

3. collect personal data about users or other entities for commercial or illegal purposes;

4. Use automated means, including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to download or scrape data from the Service except for Internet search engines (eg Google) and non-commercial public archives (eg org) which are Compatible with our robots.txt file;

5. Placing Content outside of the local area or not relevant to the local area, placing Content repeatedly or similarly or imposing unreasonable or disproportionately large loads on our servers and other infrastructure;



If you are the owner of the intellectual property rights or an agent who is fully authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights and you believe that any content or other content infringes your intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of the owner who authorized you to act on their behalf, then you may send a notice to Teach zone To delete bona fide related content. The notice and the order must contain the following information

1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right whose rights are allegedly infringed;

2. Identification of the intellectual property rights that are allegedly infringed or, if multiple intellectual property rights in one Internet site are covered by a single notice, then a list representing such works must be provided on that site;



These Terms and any rights or licenses granted under them cannot be transferred or assigned by you but may be assigned to Teach zone without limitation. Any assignment or transfer by you is null and void.


Ability to accept Terms of Service

This application is intended for adults only and you are eligible to contract by applicable laws. If you are using/accessing this website as a representative of any person/entity, you represent that you are legally authorized to represent that person/entity. Minors, i.e. Users under 18 years of age, are allowed to enter the Website and use the Service only if their legal representatives agree or if it is in connection with an act or transaction considered a customary and acceptable standard of civil life and practice. You confirm that you are at least 18 years of age or are an emancipated minor or have parental or legal guardian consent and are fully able and qualified to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, agreements, representations, warranties outlined in these Terms. They also comply with and be bound by these Terms. In no event, you are confirming that you are over the age of 18, as the Application is not intended for children under 18 years of age.


Notice to children under 18 and their parents or guardians:

If you are under 18 years of age, you should not use this app. Please do not send us your personal information, including your email addresses, name, and/or contact information. If you wish to contact us, you can only do so through a parent or legal guardian.

 general information

These Terms and the other policies posted on the Website constitute the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between you and us. These Terms govern your use of the Service and the Application and supersede all prior understandings, proposals, agreements, negotiations, and discussions between the parties, whether written or oral. The Terms and the relationship between you and us shall be governed by the laws of Egypt without regard to conflict of international laws.


The owners of the application and its main content makers...


Email info@teach-zone.com